The Benefits of the Intelligent Bidet Toilet Seat During the COVID-19 Pandemic

16 April 2021

The transmission of of the COVID-19 virus is through contact microscopic droplets. This is why it is important to wear a face mask properly and use alcohol liberally to kill the virus that you may contracted with a person with asymptomatic COVID-19 symptoms.


You might think that you are safe inside your home. After all, you take the time to disinfect every nook and cranny of your house. Everyone follows safety protocols to make sure that no one will compromise the health of the household.


The thing is, while it is plausible to keep your house free from the COVID-19 virus, it is still a hundred times better to take your approach to health and safety a notch higher.


Look around your house and you will notice that the toilet is one of the most used part of your home. Do you think you are cleaning and disinfecting it enough? You need to admit that the constant disinfection is a little troublesome but necessary.


Oh, how you wish that there is an intelligent toilet seat that requires little attention but provides you with a whole lot of benefits. If you are in Japan, then your wish is granted.


In the technologically advanced country of Japan, an intelligent bidet toilet seat is the standard for every comfort room. A lot of foreign nationals are pleasantly surprised by the automatic toilet seat because of the benefits and its practicality.


You might be wondering where you can purchase an intelligent bidet toilet seat to have for your own home. Well, you are in luck because at FlexiSpot, we offer everyone the best toilet seat in town!

High on Hygiene

Hygiene should be your number one priority when it comes to your humble abode specially during this pandemic.  There is a rise on demand for personal and home care products and it will continue to ascend as long as the pandemic is still looming above our heads-- instilling fear and the utmost caution  for everyone involved.


Your toilet should be a safe space for you and your whole family because it is where you are in your most vulnerable position. The Intelligent Bidet Toilet Seat ESB101/201 is FlexiSpot’s version of the renowned intelligent Japanese toilet seat. It features a self-cleaning nozzle made out of stainless steel, with the FlexiSpot guarantee about its long service life.


For those skeptical about the  toilet seat being antibacterial, the material used to build is the SIAA Antibiosis which is common across other competing smart toilet seats.


What sets the intelligent bidet toilet seat apart from its competitions is the topnotch customer service and inclusiveness of every product. Every one has the right to enjoy the Intelligent Bidet Toilet Seat ESB101/201.


Smart Controls

Everyone loves technology for the ease that it provides. Technology also brings us closer together with the lightning speed wireless fidelity that with just one snap of the fingers, connects us all. Technology really is smart.


With the FlexiSpot’s Intelligent Bidet Toilet Seat ESB101/201, its smart controls let you easily set-up your toilet seat with just a touch of your finger. For our visually impaired fellows, the surrounding area on each button are raised to aid them with finding the buttons.


This thoughtful addition to the controls shows that FlexiSpot cares about the well-being of everyone. It makes our products enjoyable to use and inclusive.


The smart controls also lessen the contacts of our hands which further prevents the spread of germs, bacteria, and viruses.


Light It Up and Heat It Up

An icy cold toilet seat evokes an uneasy feeling for anyone who uses it. You can have the traditional tank heater for your toilet seat but its cons outweigh the pros.


First, it is uncomfortable to use due to the fact that water storage is limited which leads to temperature fluctuations and overall discomfort. Second, it is extremely unsanitary because the inside cannot be cleaned which is the breeding ground for bacteria and germs. And finally, it wastes too much power which is not good for your wallet and specially the environment.


Caring for you wallet and the environment are the two most important goals of FlexiSpot. Which is why the intelligent bidet toilet seat triumphs over the traditional tank heater any day.


The intelligent bidet toilet seat, stabilizes water temperature much better than the traditional tank heater. This gives the you a more pleasant experience because the water temperature remains the same all throughout the day. The insides of the intelligent bidet toilet seat can also be cleaned and sanitized to lessen the the growth of germs and bacteria which we now avoid due to the pandemic.  Your would also see a significant drop on your water and electric bill because the  intelligent bidet toilet seat is made with the goal of being cost and energy efficient.


With those things in mind, it also features a soft light that is perfect for your night trips to the toilet. This impressively lessens accidents caused by your eyes adjusting to a stark artificial light after you have just been exposed to little or no light at all.


Easy Assembly

Think you need a professional to install your intelligent bidet toilet seat? Think again because you can install the seat all on your own!


Here are the steps are that are as easy as singing the ABC and counting 1-2-3.


  1. Remove your current seat which has to retire now that it has a much better replacement.
  2. Install the catch plate and tighten with screws and nuts. Be careful not to lose any of the screws and nuts because those are important
  3. Carefully slide the bidet seat onto the catch plate;
  4. And finally, connect the tee connector with fill valve inlet, water tank inlet and the bidet inlet. Your new smart toilet seat is now ready to use!

A toilet seat is part of the house that is not given much thought. With FlexiSpot’s Intelligent Bidet Toilet Seat ESB101/201, you are saving yourself time and thousands of dollars by purchasing this little home investment for your home