Prolonged sitting is associated with a wide range of health concerns. It can lead to several musculoskeletal concerns. Moreover, sitting for long periods of time results in excess fat around the waistline and contributes to obesity. Furthermore, it's also associated with a cluster of physical and mental health conditions, including increased blood pressure and cholesterol and increased risk of depression.
As there's increasing evidence about the health dangers of prolonged sitting, ergonomic office furniture manufacturers are working on creating an alternative that can reduce the risk of these physical conditions. And height-adjustable standing desks have emerged as one of the most popular solutions.
According to a survey, there has been significant growth in the number of companies offering standing desks to their workers over the last few years. Moreover, companies that provide the flexibility of using a height-adjustable workstation admit that their employees have a much better work lifestyle.
But while providing the freedom to move vertically throughout the day often brings several health benefits, does it mean there is no need to sit all day long? Do you always have to stand and work throughout the day with a standing chair?
Certainly not.
A height-adjustable standing desk may be designed to provide you with greater freedom of movement while you work, but it isn't designed to replace sitting at work altogether.
Instead it should be used in a certain way so it can turn out to be an effective modern-day ergonomic workplace essential.
Wondering how to use a height-adjustable standing desk to reap the maximum benefit of your investment?
Here are six tips to help you out so you can use a standing desk the right way.
6 Tips to Use a Standing Desk the Right Way

#1. Standing for Too Long Is As Bad As Sitting All Day
It's critical to keep in mind that a standing desk isn't designed to replace sitting altogether. In fact, standing for too long can be as bad as sitting all day.
Standing all day can lead to several health concerns, mostly vascular. It puts a lot of pressure on your legs and increases swelling in the legs and feet. Moreover, it can increase the risk of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Furthermore, standing all day at work can cause or aggravate musculoskeletal concerns and contributes to lower back pain, knee pain, and hip pain.
Hence, when using a standing desk, it's important to remember that standing all day can be as detrimental as sitting all day, so make sure you don't overdo it.
But standing for how long can be considered safe for you?
Given that each person's body is unique, there cannot be an exact ratio of time that can be used to decide on when to switch position from standing to sitting and vice versa. However, healthcare professionals and ergonomic furniture manufacturers recommend standing for about 5-15 minutes every hour when using a standing desk. It means that a 45-minutes period of sitting needs to be followed by a 15-minute span of standing.
While research is still going on in this regard about the exact amount of time you need to spend in a certain position before you change it, know that switching between standing and sitting is still important. Moreover, it's also critical to schedule short breaks in between so you can maximize the benefits of your posture.
Here it is important to remember that all other movements, such as walking to and from your desk, or a walk around your office to grab a coffee, or any other activity where you aren't sitting, fall under the category of standing. Since frequent changes in your position help you get the most benefits, it's best to alternate between sitting and standing every 30 minutes or so.

#2. Set Yourself an Alarm to Change Position
If you have invested in a height-adjustable standing desk, getting used to the idea of changing your position often may seem alien. Hence, it is common for many height-adjustable standing desk users to forget about changing their position all day. As a result, they often end up in a sedentary position for most time of the day.
A solution to this problem could be to set yourself an alarm that reminds you at certain time intervals to change your position.
You can set a timer for whenever you want, preferably every 30 minutes, to remind you that it's time to change position. Over time, you will get used to the idea of changing your position often, and it will become second nature to alternate your position throughout the day.
And if setting yourself a reminder seems like a tedious task, choosing the right height-adjustable standing desk with appropriate features such as sit-stand reminders makes a great choice. Standard Standing Desk (E5) makes one of the most reliable height-adjustable standing desks you can find on the market. Apart from the seamless height adjustment, the desk offers several other features like enhanced stability at all heights and exceptional weight capacity, making it one of the best height-adjustable standing desks available on the market.

#3. Adjust Your Desk and Screen Height According
When your job requires you to work on the screen, setting the correct height for your screen and desk is integral in enhancing your comfort while you're working. Moreover, it also helps reduce your risk of injury while working.
The most appropriate way to adjust your desk's height is to ensure that your desk sets the height of your elbow so that your elbow makes a right angle with the desk and is parallel to the floor.
The other critical consideration is the placement of your screen. Adjust your screen such that it maintains a tilt of 110o degrees. A slight upward tilt between 10-20o is ideal for maintaining the appropriate neck posture.
Moreover, your screen should be between 20-28" away from your face. For a quick reference, you can consider this distance to be more than from the tip of your middle finger to your elbow.

#4. Adjust Your Keyboard and Mouse Position
Working long hours on the computer while standing or sitting can strain your wrists. Hence, it is critical that you adjust the position of your keyboard and mouse, whether sitting or standing, to minimize the strain.
Ideally, your wrists should maintain a 90-degree angle with your keyboard while typing. It ensures that your hand is slightly more extended (tilted upwards) than when sitting.
However, if you do not maintain this position, it can lead to a repetitive strain injury, which can cause pain and discomfort while typing.
If you experience discomfort and soreness on your wrists, consider adjusting the position of your mouse and keyboard. You can conveniently adjust the height of your keyboard by adjusting in a keyboard stand; that's another ergonomic workplace accessory designed to optimize support for your hand.

#5. Invest in an Anti-Fatigue Mat
One of the ergonomic accessories that can help you use the standing desk the right way so you can maximize its benefits is an anti-fatigue mat.
They are commonly used for jobs requiring extended standing periods as they help fight standing fatigue. These anti-fatigue mats are designed such that they encourage subtle movement in your leg muscles which aid in improving blood flow and reduces overall discomfort.
According to research, individuals who have to spend more than two hours every day standing have reported lesser discomfort and fatigue associated with standing when using anti-fatigue mats compared to individuals who do not use this essential workplace accessory. Moreover, using these mats at work involving prolonged standing also contributes to lowering your risk of lower back pain and leg problems associated with prolonged standing.

#6. Continue to Take Regular Breaks
While changing your position and adjusting the height and position of your desk and computer accessories is critical, it's also important that you incorporate short, quick breaks throughout the day.
All you have to do is to get away from your workstation and take a quick walk or stretch a bit so you can clear your head and offer rest to other body parts, including your eyes.
If you find it difficult to schedule short regular breaks after a certain interval, you can set up an alarm on your phone or computer through various apps.
Final Words
Investing in a height-adjustable standing desk is a modern workplace need; however, knowing how to use it correctly to get the most benefits of a standing desk is critical. With these six tips in mind, you can use a height-adjustable standing desk the right way and maximize the return on your investment.
Find out more about the height-adjustable standing desk and other ergonomic furniture and accessories here.